Donate to make a Difference

In 2020, The Salvation Army is celebrating its 90th Anniversary of community care services in Hong Kong and Macau. In the past years, we have provided comprehensive services and support to the people in need. In the face of COVID-19, the Army has never stopped its pace and continued providing community care services, such as giving out epidemic prevention materials, daily supplies and food, providing online support to grassroots families etc. On the way to the future, we need your continue support and carry out the works.

No matter you are a donor, a recipient, a volunteer, or a co-worker, in The Salvation Army, your every donation and support are the foundation of us.

You may support the needy living in sub-divided flats today

The grassroot community desperately needs your assistance and support so that they could overcome any difficulties while facing COVID-19.

For donation of HK$100, we will give a “Seasonal Gift Pack” to every service user, containing epidemic prevention materials, daily supplies and food, etc. The content of gift packs will be subjected to change based on the need of the users.

Online Donation

Donation Form

We sincerely invite you to be our Monthly Donor, your support will enable us to promote and develop our services.

Be a Monthly Donor

Sharing of Auntie Ho & Dr. Yung

Sharing of Ms. Chan & Hms Lo